Friday, April 24, 2009

Top 10 Cities where home prices could still fall

Cities Where Home Prices Could Fall More

With incomes falling and loans remaining hard to get, the best bargains are probably yet to come in some of the nation’s largest housing markets, predicts Forbes magazine.To figure out which housing markets still haven’t hit bottom, Forbes calculated the spending power, unemployment, credit availability and housing stock over the last 27 years in the country’s 50 largest metropolitan statistical areas. The projections determined how much each area’s home prices would have to change to bring that housing market into historical balance. Analysts said the employment rate is the great unknown. The more employment falls, the more likely home prices will follow. Here are the 10 cities where Forbes believes prices are likely to continue to fall the most:

Jacksonville, Fla.
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
Oakland, Calif.
San Diego

New YorkSource: Forbes, Matt Woolsey (04/17/2009)

Hmmmm, will Sacramento area be one? Are they right? Did you know that Sacramento has over 20,000 homes in the "Shadow Inventory" and did you know that there are still at least of 3 waves of foreclosures coming. What is the future of Sacramento? Do you know?