Monday, May 18, 2009

Is It Safe Yet???

You see many upbeat articles and news casts these days, but is it really true? Is it really safe? Should we all believe it?

This is strictly my opinion...
Hope Now reports a 20% increase in initial foreclosure filings during March. But there was a steep drop in bank repossessions. ~ By Les Christie, staff writer
  • Government put a moratorium on all foreclosures until March of 2009. Of course there is a drop in bank repossessions and an increase in foreclosure filings.
  • Placer County preforeclosure activity for April 2009 - 470 Filings (MLS Tax Records)
  • Sacramento County preforeclosure activity for April 2009 - 1000 Filings (MLS Tax Records)
Home Prices on The Rise
  • Vacant homes in Sacramento 24,000
  • Shadow Inventory in the Sacramento area - the amount of homes that the lenders are holding approx 16,300 +/-.
  • So shortage of inventory, low prices, great interest rates = raising prices...what happens when all this "inventory" gets put on the market? What happens when more people loose their jobs and can't afford their homes?
Those are just 2 discrepancies that I see. I'm sure there are more.

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