Monday, September 28, 2009

Short Sale "EXPERTS" (PART 2)

If the agent you are working with or thinking of working with can't answer these questions or hems and haws, keep looking. Especially about their own personal production numbers - if they can't prove it, give you referrals, or testimonials they aren't the "EXPERT" you are looking for.

1) Has your experience been as a buyers agent or a selling agent over your career?
2) How long have you been NEGOTIATING with the lenders?
3) Do you negotiate or do you have a company negotiate for you?
4) Are you in control of my paperwork or is the 3rd party?
5) What are your personal numbers, how many short sales have you personally done? Now what are your Agencies numbers and how many agents does your office have?
6) Do you have any referrals to a tax attorney, bankruptcy attorney, experienced CPA?
7) What should I expect at the end, what are the possible outcomes besides foreclosure?
The list can go on but this should give you a good idea of how much of an expert they are.

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